Sunday, August 18, 2024

God's Opinion vs Man's Opinion in the Bible


Ok....Let's start here!

I believe the Bible to be the Word of God, as far as it is translated correctly. That is the issue! I'll probably irritate some people with these remarks but so be it.
Over the years I have attempted to engage fanatics in rational discussions about the scriptures. It turns out that MOST "Christians" are Flat Earthers when it comes to examining the Bible intelligently. They are unable or unwilling to put their fanaticism aside and use actual brain cells. Which are you?
BTW.....I am a Christian and I believe the Bible to be the word of God. But, there are easily provable problems with today's Bibles and certainly with MOST peoples opinion of the Bible.
Remember, opinion fails in the light of truth and fact.
So, having staked my position, here goes!
1. The Bible (KJV) is incomplete.
2. The Bible contains errors due to translation issues. Some words in Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic, or even Latin have no English equivalent or there may be dozens of appropriate English words that could be used! In such cases the "opinion" of the translator as to the meaning of the scripture made it into our KJV. The KJV translators actually said they were sometimes unable to discern the writers intent!
3. King James ordered the removal of verses and even entire chapters that he didn't like. He also ordered insertions into the KJV that supported his political positions. Those insertions were not in the previous Bibles (being compared) and manuscripts the translators had access to.
4. The Bible (KJV) declares itself as a REVISION!
5. There are translations that current scholars consider more accurate than the KJV. The Geneva Bible, for example. If there are differences in translations, then whose "opinion" is correct?
At the last count I checked, there are 33,806 denominations claiming to be followers of Christ. They range from the largest Christian sect (Catholic), to store front congregations with less than 100 members. They all use the Bible in some revision (King James Version, New International Version, Vulgate, Duoay-Rhiems, New World Translation, American Standard Version, and many dozens more!) There is widespread DISAGREEMENT in the various versions.
How does one discern Biblical accuracy from translator opinion?
Why does one sincere follower get to declare that his opinion of what God intended the Bible to mean supersedes some other equally sincere follower's opinion?
IF we had a Bible that was the pure Word of God, there would be no opinion in God's word. Unfortunately, we do not! So, yes, God left man's opinion out of HIS WORD but men put their opinion in the Bible anyway!

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