Rules of the Site

Say whatever you want on my blog site but be prepared to support it with fact and detail. Hate Donald Trump and the Republicans all you want but be able to back up your assertions with fact and historical reference as close to the original documentation as possible. Otherwise you are no different than all other Low Information Voters. You will be challenged if you comment on my blog! PERIOD. That includes the conservative posters. 95% of libs and probably 50% of conservatives can't support their positions! If you won't at least try to debate, then you are not welcome and will be blocked! Bring it on! 


I welcome your debate but I do not tolerate ad-hominem attacks.

ad ho·mi·nem [ad hom-uh-nuhm -nem, ahd‐] adjective

1. appealing to one's prejudices, emotions, or special interests rather than to one's intellect or reason.

2. attacking an opponent's character rather than answering his argument.


It is my blog site and those are the rules.

(This rule does not apply to my daughter. I won't block her no matter how irrational and ad-hominem she gets!)