Friday, January 17, 2020

State of the Union Address

OK...Let's clear up a few things.
1. Nancy Pelosi, as Speaker of the House, TRADITIONALLY issues an invitation to the President to deliver the State Of The Union Address (SOTU.) It is a tradition, not a Constitutional requirement.
2. However, the Constitution does require the president, "from time to time give to the Congress information of the state of the union, and recommend to their consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient...."
During the first half of our history the president delivered a WRITTEN document to fulfill this Constitutional requirement. Woodrow Wilson began delivering the SOTU address as a means to rally support for his political agenda. (All conservatives should disdain ANYTHING and EVERYTHING Wilson did or even thought. But that is a different discussion!)
The SOTU address is problematic. The opposition party delivers a rebuttal address. In the current political environment it is guaranteed that the democrat response will be a direct attack on Trump, with little or no regard to policy differences. The democrats will attack the man, not the policy.
Also, the Constitution gives the president the power to convene a joint session of Congress if he deems it necessary. President Trump does not need permission from Nancy to deliver the SOTU address.
Since most presidents of the 19th century and President Hoover of the 20th century delivered a written document to the Speaker, I would love for President Trump to put the SOTU information on the White House web site.
Why play Botox Pelosi and Upchuck Schumer's game!

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