Thursday, September 20, 2018

What is Socialism?

Q: What is Socialism?
A: It’s the painful transition from capitalism to capitalism.

Communism is the end game of socialism.

Every nation that has embraced socialism, either by force or vote ([By force:Russia, China, Cuba, Venezuela], [By vote: Sweden, Denmark, France, Greece ]) has eventually abandoned the hard core tenets of socialism/communism and embraced some measure of capitalism to survive or they have died. Russia and China, both hard communist nations have recognized the necessity of encouraging citizens to work for their personal betterment (capitalism.) Russia under Boris Yeltson and China under Deng Xiaoping have embraced tenets of capitalism.

We all know what is happening in Venezuela, one of the most prosperous nations in South America before the onslaught of socialism. Cuba, under the Castro family, is headed in the same direction as Venezuela but I hope Cuba will turn around since Fidel Castro is gone.

China has even gone so far as to allow private ownership of land! (Sadly, that is something that is rapidly disappearing here in America.) The economies of Russia before the Bolsheviks, and China between the fall of the Qing dynasty and WW2, were both capitalism oriented. Both now are returning to capitalism.

Greece is a socialist economy that is collapsing. The EU is pumping money into Greece trying to avoid collapse of the entire socialist construct in Europe. That collapse is inevitable anyway. Without a return to capitalism Europe is doomed to collapse like Venezuela.

So, in summary.. Nations with a capitalistic economy go nuts and embrace the common good ideology called socialism. After the "common good" destroys the nation they return to private land ownership, privately owned business and other principles of capitalism.

I guess it could be worded thus, " It’s the painful transition from capitalism to socialism and back to capitalism." *dj*

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