Friday, March 16, 2018

Single Issue Votes

A few years ago (1991) I was faced with a most gut-wrenching of decisions. The incumbent governor of Kansas was Republican Mike Hayden. The democrat challenger was Joan Finney. Hayden was strongly pro-abortion and Finney was strongly anti-abortion. From the moment the governors race was defined I was sick in my stomach and in my muscles! I had never knowingly voted for a democrat at any level of election, including non-partisan elections for mayors or judges. The fact that someone is a democrat and continues as a democrat was and still is enough to send my vote to the Republican (preferably a conservative Republican!) Just the general democrat disdain for my rights and their gut-level disgust with our sacred and precious Constitution is enough to stop my interest in learning more about them.

I know that sounds to democrats like I am a hate filled bigot but the fact is I love this country and the people (including democrats), our Constitution, and the principles that make/made America great. I do not hate democrats or even the most bizarre left wing socialists. 
But I do disdain everything (as far as I know) the Democrat Party stands for.

Having said that, the election between Hayden and Finney hung on abortion. If there is any issue that could rip my heart out it is abortion. I was faced with having to vote for the pro-abortion incumbent Republican or the anti-abortion Democrat challenger. It came down to the voting booth. I realized that hanging my chad on a single issue was a bad idea. I literally had tears on my face when I voted for Hayden. I was sick for days and the memory still turns my stomach but I was correct in casting that vote.

Finney went on to win and ran Kansas into the ground. She racked up a record as governor that has her on the short list of the worst governors in Kansas history (even in Democrat opinions) and perhaps in the history on the entire country.

That one election taught me everything I need to know about the importance of my vote and not voting as a single issue voter.

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