Sunday, November 11, 2018

Democrats Don't Care

Democrats don't care that Alex Baldwin is calling for an overthrow of our GOVERNMENT. 

Democrats don't care that Madonna said she had thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House. 

Democrats don't care that Kathy Griffin posed with a mock severed head of President Trump. 

Democrats don't care that a Broadway Play depicted the assassination of President Trump.

Democrats don't care that Johnny Depp said, “how long has been since an actor assassinated a President”. 

Democrats don't care that Snoop Dog and Eminem made music videos about assassinating President Trump. 

Democrats don't care that dozens of people were shot to death at a Jason Aldean concert. 

Democrats don't care that Congressman Steve Scalise was shot at a baseball game. 

Democrats don't care that Robert De Niro said “somebody needs to take out Trump”. 

Democrats don't care that Carole Cook said "Where's John Wilkes Booth when you need him?" 

Democrats don't care that Republican candidate Rudy Peters was attacked by a man with a switchblade. 

Democrats don't care that a Republican Party Office was set on fire. 

Democrats didn’t care when Eric Holder said “When they go low, we kick ‘em”. 

Democrats don't care that Trump family members received suspicious packages in the mail. 

Democrats don't care that Secretary of Defense James Mattis received death threats. 

Democrats don't care that Maxine Waters said “you get up in their face at the mall, in restaurants, at gas stations and you tell them Republicans they’re not welcomed anywhere”. 

Democrats didn’t care when Sarah Sanders and her family were harassed at a restaurant, instructed to leave and chased down the street. 

Democrats don't care that Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was harassed and chased out of a Mexican restaurant. 

Democrats don't care that Trump adviser Stephen Miller’s life was threatened and he was chased out of a restaurant. 

Democrats don't care that Attorney General Pam Bondi was harassed and chased out of a theater. 

Democrats don't care that Rand Paul was attacked and beaten up in his own yard. 

Democrats didn’t care when two Republican senators: Rob Portman of Ohio and John Boozman of Arkansas were harassed in their own yards and on their own doorsteps. 

Democrats didn’t care when a 71-year-old female staffer for California Rep. Dana Rohrbacher was knocked unconscious by an angry mob of liberals. 

Democrats don't care that a North Carolina GOP office was firebombed by an angry mob of liberals. 

Democrats don't care that Hillary Clinton said “we can’t be civil to Republicans until Democrats return to power”. 

For years Democrats have encouraged hate, harassment, vandalism, acts of violence and even threats of assassination.


Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Voting Machines Changing Votes

From the perspective of a lifelong computer geek and software developer....

Every election cycle there are numerous reports in the media of voting machines "changing" the vote from the Republican candidate to the democrat. The election officials always blame "calibration" of the voting device as the reason for the change. Since I have never taken a voting machine apart, I have no idea how they work or what the term "calibration" means as it relates to voting computers.

But, I do know this....Changing the vote indicator from Republican to democrat is not the result of programming. No programmer with two brain cells would be so sloppy as to change the selection indicator before recording the vote. That would be the ultimate in SLOPPY work!

Every aspect of a computer's functionality is controlled by a programmer. For example, if I type the letter "A" on the keyboard then somewhere the number 65 (actually 01000001) is recorded in the computers memory by the keyboard program. Then the computer video program reads the keyboard memory, finds that 65 and places the "A" in video memory where it appears on the computer monitor. In this case the "A" appears right there ►A◄.

There is a program for the keyboard, others for disk drives, RAM, ROM, USB ports, and video. There are even programs to keep a computer eye on the temperature of the CPU, num lock key and the fan. In short, everything going on in a computer is because some programmer got paid! FACEBOOK is a computer program! Microsoft Word is a program.

OK, what's the point....The point is that no programmer in the world would program a voting machine to display the fact that the vote was changed. The programmer controls the selection indicator, assuming that the voting machine is working correctly. If that vote indicator changes to the democrat candidate, that change does NOT indicate that the vote was changed to the democrat. It might have been changed to the democrat, or the Libertarian, or the Green Party candidate, or it might have been thrown out entirely! The vote is just as likely cast for the Republican. There is literally no way to know how the vote was recorded. Even a paper receipt does not guarantee that the computer vote was cast in the manner recorded on the receipt. As a programmer, I can generate a receipt that exactly reflects the selections by the voter while actually casting the votes for the Republican, the democrat, Professor Snape, Vladimir Putin, Lord Voldemort, Bugs Bunny, Abe Lincoln, or whomever. The ONLY use for the receipt as issued today is to give the voter a warm fuzzy feeling.

A paper trail would be useful in the event of a recount. That paper trail would have to include a printed line showing the vote and a receipt given to the voter. The voter would verify the printed line, thereby certifying his/her vote. If such a verification process existed our elections would be much more honest. Also, recounts MUST be conducted completely without participation by the voting machine! Remember, some programmer must write a computer program for recounts involving the machine! The voting machine recount program could be just as biased as the original vote gathering program, or maybe even more skewed.  Unplug the machine and recount ONLY from the printout and paper ballots!  There would be no need to eyeball hanging chads, or argue about butterfly ballots because the VOTER has a receipt and he/she personally certified that the printout correctly recorded his/her intentions.

I believe that the voting machines that are being reported on are "improperly calibrated", whatever that means. A programmer that was paid big money to steal votes would NOT announce the theft by showing the vote change on the screen. Remember, the programmer controls EVERYTHING that a voting COMPUTER does! Absolutely everything! He/she would leave the screen as the voter had selected. He/she would print a receipt reflecting the voter selections but when it came to updating the database, he/she would record the vote according to the instructions from the Hungarian Socialist or Democrat Party operative paying for the code!

The ONLY way to determine if the voting machines are actually changing votes is to reverse engineer the code! In short, we are screwed!

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Thursday, September 20, 2018

What is Socialism?

Q: What is Socialism?
A: It’s the painful transition from capitalism to capitalism.

Communism is the end game of socialism.

Every nation that has embraced socialism, either by force or vote ([By force:Russia, China, Cuba, Venezuela], [By vote: Sweden, Denmark, France, Greece ]) has eventually abandoned the hard core tenets of socialism/communism and embraced some measure of capitalism to survive or they have died. Russia and China, both hard communist nations have recognized the necessity of encouraging citizens to work for their personal betterment (capitalism.) Russia under Boris Yeltson and China under Deng Xiaoping have embraced tenets of capitalism.

We all know what is happening in Venezuela, one of the most prosperous nations in South America before the onslaught of socialism. Cuba, under the Castro family, is headed in the same direction as Venezuela but I hope Cuba will turn around since Fidel Castro is gone.

China has even gone so far as to allow private ownership of land! (Sadly, that is something that is rapidly disappearing here in America.) The economies of Russia before the Bolsheviks, and China between the fall of the Qing dynasty and WW2, were both capitalism oriented. Both now are returning to capitalism.

Greece is a socialist economy that is collapsing. The EU is pumping money into Greece trying to avoid collapse of the entire socialist construct in Europe. That collapse is inevitable anyway. Without a return to capitalism Europe is doomed to collapse like Venezuela.

So, in summary.. Nations with a capitalistic economy go nuts and embrace the common good ideology called socialism. After the "common good" destroys the nation they return to private land ownership, privately owned business and other principles of capitalism.

I guess it could be worded thus, " It’s the painful transition from capitalism to socialism and back to capitalism." *dj*

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Sunday, June 24, 2018

Does your Vote Count

A friend of mine said "...the candidates [are] all handpicked prior to the election? I'm not naïve enough to believe our votes count anymore." The statement is born of frustration. I respond.................

Our elected officials are not hand picked, predetermined, predestined, premeditated and certainly NOT preordained by some unaccountable political god in some distant precinct! Your "vote" is a hell of a lot more than poking a chad or pulling a lever, or pushing a button every two years for Congress or four years for president! Do you attend presidential, senatorial, or congressional candidate primaries? Do you question the candidates at town hall meetings. Do you write letters or email or call your local, state and federal representatives while they are in office? That is part of your vote! Do you vote in your local county, and city elections? That is all part of your "vote!"

Our candidates, while not necessarily candidates we like, are the choice of the people because, for the most part, the majority of the people do not participate in the selection process. The result is that the agenda that gets elected and implemented is not the agenda we might have preferred! However, it is the agenda of those who participate in the "voting" process.

Our Founding Fathers had to vote with their guns. It is my sincere prayer that our revolution today does not become a shooting revolution, but it might! American voters and only American voters, for the last 200+ years, have allowed this country to descend into this socialist quagmire and only American voters can dig our country out!

It will not be an easy fight to overcome the ingrained political elite! In fact, I expect it to get downright brutal and ugly! The goal is to select candidates that will implement our agenda. 

If our vote does not count then we are wasting our time. We might as well smile and BOHICA! But, our vote does count if we make it count! Martin Niemöller, prominent German anti-Nazi theologian and Lutheran pastor, is best known as the author of the poem First they came....

"In Germany they came first for the Communists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant.
Then they came for me, and by that time no one was left to speak up."

Dave Johnson 
When a person who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he will either quit being mistaken, or cease to be honest.

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Thursday, April 19, 2018

Solar Cycles and Hormone Levels

We are currently experiencing a phenomenon known as "Solar Minimum." During episodes of solar minimum the sun's output is exceptionally low. We experience these lows as cool summers, extra cold winters and low numbers of hurricanes and tornadoes.
On the other extreme is the "Solar Maximum." Episodes of solar maximum are marked by exceptionally high summer temps, warm pleasant winters, and large numbers of powerful hurricanes and tornadoes. Solar maximum can be very dangerous to humans due to the extreme heat associated the expanding solar atmosphere. (Solar maximum also tends to bring out the insanity of the political left (primarily Algore) in predicting global warming will end humanity. Solar minimums make him crawl back under his rock.)
Solar maximums and minimums occur in cycles of approximately eleven years with more intense episodes every thirty years. Extreme cycles occur about every three hundred years. Some maximums and minimums are more intense than others.
Women experience a similar phenomenon marked by episodes of "Hormonal Maximums and Minimums." Hormonal minimum is characterized by crying and depression and, as in solar minimum, very low output. Women are difficult to be around during an episode of hormonal minimum because men do not understand that the crying and depression are not a reflection on him. He still wants to fix it but all the chocolate in the world does not help. Chocolate is thought to lift her spirit and lighten her mood.

On the other extreme is the hormonal maximum, also commonly referred to as "On Her Period." Her period is characterized by irrationality, extreme rage and other unpleasant physical and psychological manifestations. A woman is very dangerous when she is "on her period." Men are advised to stay away, go fishing, work late or whatever they can do to avoid confrontation. Confrontation during the "period" may comprise nothing more than coming home from work and saying "Hi sweetie. Good to see you!" All he can do is throw chocolate at the devil but she is never appeased. Chocolate is thought to help calm her down and soften her rage.

These episodes of hormonal extremes happen on approximately a twenty eight day cycle. The two week interval from hormonal minimum to maximum is characterized by less frequent crying and depression but increasing irrationality and rage. This interval is called "waxing" hormone levels. The corresponding interval from hormonal maximum to minimum is referred to as "waning" hormone levels. There is a short interval during the waxing and waning cycle, approximately two to three days each that is referred to as hormonal utopia, where the woman is relatively stable and sometimes even pleasant to be around. If the man is fortunate enough to have a woman who cooks, she may be unusually careful and even try to not burn the toast!

Men are advised to keep a sizable supply of chocolate handy because Satan is always hungry!

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Friday, March 16, 2018

Single Issue Votes

A few years ago (1991) I was faced with a most gut-wrenching of decisions. The incumbent governor of Kansas was Republican Mike Hayden. The democrat challenger was Joan Finney. Hayden was strongly pro-abortion and Finney was strongly anti-abortion. From the moment the governors race was defined I was sick in my stomach and in my muscles! I had never knowingly voted for a democrat at any level of election, including non-partisan elections for mayors or judges. The fact that someone is a democrat and continues as a democrat was and still is enough to send my vote to the Republican (preferably a conservative Republican!) Just the general democrat disdain for my rights and their gut-level disgust with our sacred and precious Constitution is enough to stop my interest in learning more about them.

I know that sounds to democrats like I am a hate filled bigot but the fact is I love this country and the people (including democrats), our Constitution, and the principles that make/made America great. I do not hate democrats or even the most bizarre left wing socialists. 
But I do disdain everything (as far as I know) the Democrat Party stands for.

Having said that, the election between Hayden and Finney hung on abortion. If there is any issue that could rip my heart out it is abortion. I was faced with having to vote for the pro-abortion incumbent Republican or the anti-abortion Democrat challenger. It came down to the voting booth. I realized that hanging my chad on a single issue was a bad idea. I literally had tears on my face when I voted for Hayden. I was sick for days and the memory still turns my stomach but I was correct in casting that vote.

Finney went on to win and ran Kansas into the ground. She racked up a record as governor that has her on the short list of the worst governors in Kansas history (even in Democrat opinions) and perhaps in the history on the entire country.

That one election taught me everything I need to know about the importance of my vote and not voting as a single issue voter.

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